Featured articles

DevOps for the Sinclair Spectrum! A series of articles exploring a modern development environment for the classic 8-bit 1980s home computer

Haiku Package Management: A tour of the unique package management capabilities of the alternative Haiku Operating System

Amiga Systems Programming in 2023: A look at developing, packaging and distributing software for AmigaOS and derivatives

Recent Posts

Redis Solaris Packages

As part of my work to package up the fantastic Sensu monitoring framework for Solaris 11, I have just uploaded a complete package of Redis 2.8.9 to my IPS package repositories (x86 only at the moment - see the docs linked below). This also includes a SMF manifest, so a pkg install redis should provide with all you need to get going straight away:

Solaris 11.2 Beta

Yesterday, Oracle announced Solaris 11.2 which includes a lot of interesting new features; not least of which is a full OpenStack distribution. There’s a lot of other improvements as well to all areas of the OS, from ZFS administration to the IPS system and Automated Installer. It also looks like Puppet is now included for systems management. All in all, a good release although it still pains me to see the “Oracle” logo slapped over everything, as well as the general lack ...


Well, it was about time. This blog has been stagnating for a long time, partly due to the clunky PHP-based system that used to run it. Needless to say, although I used to do a lot with PHP, I’m now old enough to know better. I’ve therefore done a “rip & replace” update on this site, switching instead to the wonderful, Ruby-based Octopress - a static blogging system built on top of Jekyll.

Avid Eleven Rack hiss problem solved

This is a bit of a departure from the rest of my blog posts, as it relates to my main hobby and current interest - Bass guitar and amplification. I play in a band and have spent a lot of time building out my main rig for live shows and rehersals, but I recently ran into a problem with the latest addition. I found a solution to it (and lots of people suffering from the same issue), so I’m posting it here in the hope that it might help someone else.I had just bought an Avid ...

Adventures in IPv6 land

I’ve spent the last week experimenting with IPv6; it now means that my whole home network and this website run over IPv6 as well as IPv4. As I’ve spent a while playing with this technology, I thought I’d write my notes up here in the hopes that it will help someone else.