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DevOps for the Sinclair Spectrum! A series of articles exploring a modern development environment for the classic 8-bit 1980s home computer

Haiku Package Management: A tour of the unique package management capabilities of the alternative Haiku Operating System

Amiga Systems Programming in 2023: A look at developing, packaging and distributing software for AmigaOS and derivatives

Recent Posts

Tiller 0.8 changes for custom plugins

Posted this in the Gitter chat but just to spread it to a wider audience : Tiller 0.8.x will be coming in a little bit; the reason for the 0.8 version bump is that there are some internal changes which will break any custom plugins you may have written. The relevant commit is here: markround/tiller@c2f6a4f.

The Pleiades

And now a diversion from most of my geeky posts! I’ve just finished (well, as “finished” as most of my musical projects get) my latest track: “The Pleiades”, featuring the talents of my sister, psy-trance producer Spinney Lainey on flute. I’ve still got a long way to go on my journey through the world of music production, but this is the first thing I’ve felt more or less happy with and wanted to share it with the world. Hope you enjoy!

New Consul plugin for Tiller

It’s only a minor version number bump, but Tiller 0.7.8 now brings a major new plugin which I’m really excited about : It now supports the awesome Consul system from Hashicorp. Consul is a distributed key/value store and service discovery mechanism - the basic idea is that you have a Consul cluster consisting of multiple nodes for high availability and performance. You then place all your configuration values in it, and also register your services (like web server backends...

Tiller 0.7.7 and file globals

Thanks to a nice suggestion by kydorn in issue #18, the file datasource supports a global_values: block, so you can now create defaults per environment (and use the defaults datasource to provide a default for all environments). This is available in Tiller 0.7.7, which was just released.

Gitter chatroom for Tiller

Another super-quick update : There’s now a Gitter chatroom for Tiller. Feel free to drop by for help and chat with other users!